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Tool Vendor Challenge INCOSE International Symposium 2013/2014

There are many commercial off-the-shelf tools supporting Systems Engineering activities. Some tools support a generic SE process while other tools support specific parts of the process. Without direct experience with a tool it is hard for SE practitioners to understand in what way and to which extent a tool can fit their specific needs and contribute to the success of their activities. As a result, useful and efficient tools – especially the newly developed ones – remain unused ‘on the shelf’ or do not penetrate the market, while practitioners still rely on legacy or in-house tools, which may no longer be as effective, or integrate updated aspects of SE practices. Missing from this industry is an independent benchmark for assessing and comparing the various SE tools against each other.

The Tool Vendor Challenge (TVC) – initially introduced at IS2004, and since then a well attended part of the International Symposium (IS) offers tool vendors a common use case derived from a practical problem for them to solve and demonstrate at the 2013 INCOSE International Symposium. The TVC continues this year in Philadelphia with two full days planned for a total of 14 TVC presentations in 45 minute time slots. Time allocation for presentations will be 30 minutes, with 10 minutes for questions and answers, and 5 minutes for transition.

The Audience for the TVC are SE professionals, SE practitioners, and SE decision-makers, all of whom are highly representative of the potential customer base. Make your decision today to be part of the TVC and an exhibitor during the symposium.

Solution:  Atego_INCOSE_TVC_2014

James Hummell

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