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Helping Systems Engineers Model in Any Tool

MBSE Solutions is a training resource dedicated to helping systems engineers who are focused on model based system engineering. Our goal is twofold: 1) to teach the language of SysML and 2) to provide customization in the modeling tool of your choice and show you how to use that tool to its fullest extent.

What separates us from other MBSE resources is that we offer tool specific training. We provide more than just integration, as we supplement the tool vendors in training and mentoring. We don’t just offer courses in SysML alone. We are focused and dedicated to helping systems engineers do SysML in the actual modeling tool. We provide instruction on SysML for IBM Rational Rhapsody, NoMagic's Cameo Systems Modeler, and PTC Integrity Modeler, so that people will know how to use the tool and apply the language.

In addition, we are committed to building tools to help SysML to be more palatable to systems engineers. Rather than using a particular tool straight out of the box, the user can come to MBSE Solutions to help them automate all of the things that must happen in the language, and allow them to merely click the desired items and draw out the system. All the language will automatically happen behind this. MBSE Solutions is uniquely adapted to helping users create their own domain specific language profile for their industry and needs. MBSE Solutions can also provide guidance on the typical outcomes from modeling, and provide templates for systems engineers to effectively communicate to other team members.


In our mentoring program we will guide you at regular intervals and on an as-needed basis to ensure you are modeling effectively. We call this guiding the ship.

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Our training courses are structured multi-day seminars and include basic and advanced lessons in UML, SysML, UPDM/UAF, and Tool Customization. We provide training for all the major brands in the marketplace.

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Tool Integration

We can show you how to integrate your tool no matter what your modeling environment. Learn how to design models that generates a specific file format which object oriented modeling languages can read and run.

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