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Promiscutivity: [pro·mis·cu·tiv·i·ty] When Model Based Systems Engineering Goes Too Far

In modeling your system is it possible to go beyond what’s called for? I would argue, yes and have defined the term: promiscutivity. That is, when the goal of productivity in your model goes so far that it becomes unrestrained (promiscuous). In other words, you have done more in your model than you ever needed…

About MBSE Solutions

James Hummell is an expert trainer for SysML, UML, and UPDM/UAF, currently working as chief consultant for MBSE Solutions, a tool gnostic (as opposed to tool agnostic) training and consulting company. He is an expert in software and systems engineering, specializing in modeling and simulation analysis using UML and SysML. Mr. Hummell has extensive experience in embedded…

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