Apply Stereotype View Options to Selected

Set oSymbols=Projects.Items("Active Symbol")
For Each oSymbol In oSymbols
    'Only attempt to change view options if they are default
	If oSymbol.Item("Symbol Style") Is Nothing Then
		'If stereotypes can apply to the symbol, try these first
		Select Case oSymbol("Class Name")
		Case "OCD::Instance":
			Try oSymbol,oSymbol
		End Select
		'If still default 2nd attempt based on dict item stereotype 
		If oSymbol.Item("Symbol Style") Is Nothing Then
			Set oDictItem = oSymbol.Item("Dict Item")
			If Not oDictItem Is Nothing Then
				Try oSymbol,oDictItem
				'If still default 3rd attempt based on stereotype on
				'underlying type (part or port type)
				If oSymbol.Item("Symbol Style") Is Nothing And _
				 (oDictItem("Class Name")="Role" Or _
				  oDictItem("Class Name")="Attribute") Then
					Set oType = oDictItem.Item("Class")
					Try oSymbol,oType
				End If
			End If
		End If
	End If

'Attempts to change the view options on Symbol oSymbol based on the sterotypes applied to oItem
Sub Try(oSymbol,oItem)
	Set oStereotypes = oItem.Items("Stereotype")
	For Each oStereotype In oStereotypes
		Set oStereotypeStyle = oStereotype.Item("Symbol Style")
		If Not oStereotypeStyle Is Nothing Then
			oSymbol.Add "Symbol Style", oStereotypeStyle
			oSymbol("View Show Stereotype")="FALSE"
			Exit For
		End If
End Sub
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